Marti Sanchez
The Definitive Guide To Pinterest Marketing
93% of its users say that they use Pinterest to plan for purchases, and 87% said they’ve bought something because they saw it on the platform.
How To Repurpose Your Content and get 10 Times the Exposure
But if you are going to invest a large amount of time, money, and effort into developing terrific content, wouldn’t you want it to get as much exposure as possible?
How To Succeed At Customer Service via Twitter
One of the best ways that you can use Twitter for your business is by providing top-notch customer service that shows you listen and care about what your customers and clients are saying.
How to Write High Performing Facebook Ad Copy For Small Businesses
Writing ad copy that actually performs seems to be a complicated mystery that only a few know how to solve. But many small businesses cannot afford to hire a copywriter to work with them on a full-time basis. If you’re interested in learning how to…
Grow Your Email List With These 3 Social Media Strategies
Your email list is one of the most valuable assets a business can have. No matter how many followers you have on your social media channels, you are still chained to one thing: the platforms and their algorithm. What if Twitter goes under and you…
Should Your Business Be On IGTV?
Instagram’s new 2018 app, IGTV, has left many business owners wondering if they should check it out and integrate it as part of their social media marketing mix. Social media has grown so much over the last decades that it is getting increasingly complicated to…
Why it’s Important To Research Google Keywords
Every business owner knows how important it is to have a solid SEO strategy. No matter how much money you spent on a web designer, you need people to come to check out your site — aka traffic. The more traffic you get, the more…
6 Time-Saving Social Media Tools
Every marketer and business owner knows the importance of social media. With companies fiercely fighting for people’s attention, social media has become the best platform to reach them. However, if you want to build a solid, cohesive presence that drives results, social media requires a…
4 Groundbreaking Marketing Trends For 2019
2019 is right around the corner, and marketers are getting ready for the changes that are to come. These are the four trends that you need to keep an eye on to not fall behind: Content Marketing It is not breaking news, but content marketing’s…
Millennial Marketing: How To Finally Attract Millennial Customers
No other generation has been under more scrutiny than Millenials. Born between 1981 and 1996, they are an essential business demographic because of two main reasons: First, the youngest Millennial range is now turning 22 and entering the workforce while the oldest millennials are approaching…